Much needed weekend

I decided to make the most of this weekend, what with my family out and about doing their own thing. Saturday was a day of reading book 4 of the Outlander series (sooo gooOOood), drinking rose wine, crocheting, and cuddles with the cat ^^. I also made it out to Michaels – I went thinking I’d buy a glue gun, but I ended up leaving the store with a giant skein of brown/rust multicolored yarn and yellow felt.

Behold, the fruit of my labor.


Pokemon Hoppip Amigurumi: This pattern was easy to follow and not too complicated. I think the creator of the pattern also has a video tutorial of how to make this amigurumi. The only problem I have with making amigurumi is that it’s not really the type of project where I can focus on other things while I crochet. I always need to check the pattern and keep track of my rounds.


Pusheen Amigurumi: This one went relatively fast, but then again, it’s a pretty small plushie. I didn’t have grey yarn on hand, so I made this little guy light blue and white. The amigurumi kind of looks derpy (not sure I captured the essence of Pusheen), but it’s still really cute. This pattern was also easy to follow, and the pieces were not hard to put together.

I’ve finished up two skeins of yarn so far, and I’m close to finishing a third. I’m making granny squares with yarn balls too small to start a new project, but to big to discard. One day, I will have a giant granny square blanket of  clashing colors, just because waste not want not.

I also got some dolly mail in the past couple of days!


My BJD’s wig came in! It’s a tad big on her but not terribly so, though I definitely need to use a silicone wig cap. The wig cap prevents the wig from sliding off Potpourri’s head. I commissioned this wig from the Etsy store Belinda’s Lock. It’s a soft pink alpaca wig, and it is so freaking soft I can’t even. Ahhhh I love alpaca! The wig totally completes Potpourri’s look! I need more alpaca in my life.


I also won a listing on eBay for Alicia Cupcake’s stock outfit. Bryn doesn’t have much clothing (save the crocheted dresses I’ve made for her), so I thought a middie stock outfit would make a good addition to her wardrobe. The shoes and the blouse should prove handy. The dress/jumper is cute in a costume-y way and the headband is ridiculous (it doesn’t stay put very well and the bow doesn’t look all that great). 😀 I crocheted the little cupcake next to her feet recently as well.

I’m on the fence about bringing Bryn to Blythe Con. On one hand, the Middie is the official doll of Blythe Con Chicago. And if I decide to get a custom doll at Blythe Con from one of the vendors, I wouldn’t have to worry about toting two Neo Blythes. On the other hand, I think a Neo Blythe is more fun to carry around!

Now, I’m just waiting on: Kuma Nendoroid (I expect this in about 2.5-3 weeks) and Blythe front and back face plates (This currently reached the ISC sorting center… I have no clue how long it will stay there),

Tomorrow I expect I shall be cleaning, crocheting, and reading some more ^^. How I wish weekends were 3 days long instead of 2.

11 thoughts on “Much needed weekend

  1. Ahh that sounds like an awesome weekend and one that I can subscribe to. I was thinking of starting the Outlander series! The Hoppip is gorgeous! Great work 😀

    I reckon…. it might be fun to perhaps have two Neos 😉 I’m jealous you get to go to a BlytheCon! Someday, Someday.


    • I totally recommend the book series. It’s a historical fantasy romance book, and it’s not too trashy. This is actually the second time I’m reading through the series (and each book is about 1k pages long). It’s just so good. I’m excited about Blythe con but I’m bummed that I will be going alone this year. I just checked, and I think there’s a Blythe convention in Australia too! Also, 2016 I think blythecon is being held in San Francisco, which is slightly closer to you than Chicago (/enables)

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hahaha! I would have to go to Chicago at some point to give the architectural hubby something to do. Looks like I’ll have to time it to Blythecon. There is a Blythecon in Australia which my hubby is encouraging me to go, it is unfortunately at the opposite end of the country. Last year before I knew they existed it was at my doorstep!!!! Always the way things work out.

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  2. Your crochet critters are awesome and they’re making me want to make some too. I totally scrolled down and recognized Pusheen before reading that it was Pusheen, so you win in that respect. How big is it? Looks teeeny.

    Potpourri’s wig is PERFECT. She’s SO ADORBS OMG. STHAAAAP.


    • Pusheen is like 3-3.5 inches across, so very small! The legs are pretty much 2 rounds a piece. ^^
      Thank you and yay! I’m pleased with the wig as well. It’s really fluffy, so I feel like it gives her a more furry feel, and adds to her feline-ness (a good balance between cat and humanoid).


    • I purchased my bjd off of eBay (I couldn’t pass her up because at the time I really wanted an anthro cat girl, and she was at a fairly good price). dear mine (the company that made potpourri) is actually Korean! I wonder if it’s cheaper to purchase the dolls there.

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