On Mail Watch

>_< I’ve been having a pretty blah week, so I unintentionally made a few purchases on eBay.

The mail roll call:

  • Merry Go Round Licca chan – Will harvest her body for either Rosaline (my long, pink haired blythe), or a new cat girl custom I’m working on. Merry Go Round Licca chan’s head will go on a new body.
  • Kimono Licca chan – The seller was in the US! I couldn’t resist.
  • White skin Azone Pure Neemo XS Boy body – going on Marshall Lee!
  • Natural skin Azone Pure Neemo XS Girl body – Soon to be Merry Go Round Licca chan’s body.
  • Black fur wig – It was like $6 on ebay from the seller BJD-Fairyland. I’m having a really hard time finding a sleek black wig that’s size 4.5-5! Most of the ones I’m finding are for the baby-like bjd dolls, and so are very poofy or mushroom-like. I won’t have qualms cutting up this wig to try to make it look more like how I want, and it’ll be a good temporary wig.
  • Doll socks – can never have enough doll socks.


On another note, while waiting for the mailman, I decided to work on my loose Blythe face plate!

Before and After

Before and After

I might at some point sculpt her some tiny polymer clay fangs, but right now I’m pooped out from customizing. It’s definitely a process, and time consuming. But hey! It’s a three day weekend!

I also want to add that I got to repurpose some of my makeup brushes to give this girl her faceup!


I hardly use makeup brushes nowadays (most of my makeup is liquid or cream, so I just apply by hand), so I cleaned some of my brushes to use with the chalk pastels. I like these better than the cheapie paint brushes I purchased at Michaels. I feel like the mini-kabuki/buffing brushes blend better, and the eyeliner brushes give me cleaner lines and higher accuracy. Also, the bristles don’t splay as easily as they do for my paintbrushes.

And now, I shall finish my blythe bag FINALLY. I have some words that need to be said about that particular project, but I’ll hold them in until I finish the thing.

I hope everyone’s having an awesome weekend!