The Ever-Sought-After Sanrio My Melody Blythe (photo spam)

Today I hung out with my former coworker who is also a Blythe lover and collector. She recently added a My Melody blythe to her collection, and I insisted she bring her out today when we met up. I really wanted to see My Melody in person, as I had also hoped to add her to my doll family when I first saw her prototype.

She is GORGEOUS. Her blush and lips almost a vibrant shade of pastel salmon pink. All of her chips are special, and very cute. I definitely oohed and aahed over her for the better part of the day ^^.





I brought two of my own pink haired girls – Rosaline and Merry.


So much pink!

Seeing My Melody really makes me want to add a translucent girl to my family. The thing is, it’s not just the blythe’s face that looks translucent, it’s her limbs too! I actually wouldn’t mind any of the older translucent releases either, like Nostalgic Pop, but I kind of want a BNIB girl. There’s just something about being the first one to debox a blythe. The next translucent girl to be released WILL be mine!