A long overdue outfit change

I haven’t found much motivation to redress my girls in a while. I felt a sort of defeat when I looked through my boxes of Blythe clothes and thought a few times “THEY HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!” I also haven’t been happy with Rory and Rosaline’s outfits these past couple of weeks, which I think played a huge part in the thoughts I’ve had recently – that Rosaline is a bit lacking in cuteness compared to my other dolls and that Rory is forever having a bad hair day. 

I finally forced myself to do a bit of decluttering in my Blythe wardrobe (I’m getting rid of 11 pieces), and I redressed my three girls.  I’m happiest with Marina’s outfit ^^. She wins best dressed this time around as well. She is wearing a white blouse (I think it’s the stock blouse from Cute and Curuous), the Les Jeunette stock pinafore dress and shoes, and a pair of white socks. Simple and cute! Rosaline looks MUCH better in this outfit than the grey knit dress she was wearing before (which made her look super bulky). Rosaline is wearing Samedi Marche stock polka dot top, Zinotchika stock boots (I think), a MINIJIJO tutu, and a bear-eared headband.  I feel like Rory always needs a hat or hair accessory >_< . Rory is wearing a knitted top I won in a Blythe Life giveaway, pants from C’mon Dolly, pink converse shoes from Simply Guava stock, and a knitted fox -eared headband I bought at Blythe con.   A group shot!

Ahhhh, so much better. 

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