Blythe Con Chicago Part 2 – The Haul

This year, how prizes at Blythe Con Chicago worked was that every one who purchased a ticket would receive a goody bag upon arrival. In that goody bag are an assortment of dolly-related goods and a chocolate bar with a golden ticket (because the theme was Charlie and the Chocolate Factory :3 ). The golden ticket tells you what door prize you won, and you redeem the ticket for the prize at one of the tables.

Chicago and Blythe Con

The goodies from the goody bag!

Chicago and Blythe Con

My golden ticket door prize!

Chicago and Blythe ConChicago and Blythe ConChicago and Blythe Con

(Some of) the things I purchased!

The thing not pictured in my haul is the custom face-up commission I purchased with Chantilly Lace. I decided on the spot that I wanted Finley (my stock Cadence Majorette) to have her face redone by a professional customiser. I have mixed feelings about Finley’s stock face. On one hand, I really do like her stock – it’s cute and classic. On the other hand, her face lacks the personality that my other dolls have. I’m excited and anxious as this is my first time getting a doll customized and it was quite a bit of money I wasn’t expecting to spend!

But I’m mostly excited!!

It also feels a little weird being short one doll! But with the clothing I purchased ta the convention, I only really had enough items for three outfits, so I guess there’s that.

Chicago and Blythe Con

Rosaline is wearing polka-dotted pants from Cmon Dolly (LOVE), and a top purchased in a lot on eBay (I think it might be a Barbie top, but I might be wrong). She’s going casual today.

Chicago and Blythe Con

Marina is wearing the complete dress set I won as the door prize. The set is by Miema Dollhouse. I love the daring color combinations, as well as the super cute whale print. The teal color actually matches Marina’s hair perfectly!

Chicago and Blythe Con

Rory is wearing a headband from Kbabydolls, her shirt is from Cmon Dolly, and her pants are from Our Blythes Argentina.

Group shot!

Chicago and Blythe Con

The shelf seems a little lonelier without my blonde girl. She should be back in a month or two though!

Blythe con 2015 – it went by so fast!

I am exhausted. Blythe Con Chicago was my first Blythe convention, and it was all so very exciting and exhausting. I had no idea what to expect, and I also only knew a handful of people going. I’m kind of painfully awkward in large crowds and with strangers, and I’m not so great at self-introductions. I’m actually still a little frazzled from the day – visual overload with well over one hundred dolls and so many colors. To make this easy (for me), I’m going to split the experience in sections.

The Pre-meet: I only stopped by to say hello. There was quite a turn out, and some people vending small items. From photos the pre-meet looked pretty fun (… Next time!).

The Convention: 

  • Getting there – I recommend getting to the convention early. I got to BCC 15 minutes late, and had to queue for a bit to get in. If there’s an item you really want to purchase, and there’s a limited quantity, definitely get there early. I don’t mind so much queuing, especially since I kind of expect it at any convention, but I do feel the sense that I missed out on some good items (really wanted a pair of skinny jeans from a particular table!).
  • The set up – I first checked in at the welcoming desk, and received my goody bag and name tag before going into the main hall. The venue was a huge open space with two rows of vendor tables on one side and tables for the attendees on the other. 
  • Shopping – so much shopping! I did some damage here. I was excited to see quite a number of the sellers as I had a shopping cart on etsy filled with a few of the items they were selling. It was also really nice meeting all of the vendors (super nice, super talented).

Vendor: Our Blythes


Vendor: Happibug

Vendor: Forty Winks

Vendor: Chantilly Lace

Vendor: Cmon Dolly

  • Panels – there were a few panels held (Kenner panel, Intro to customizing, and a few others). I didn’t attend these as I lost track of time.

All the kenners!

  • Meeting and greeting and sitting – I met a ton of nice people today. In this kind of setting, it’s definitely easier to make new friends as everyone is there because they love blythes and want to hang out with fellow Blythe lovers (XD I think). I also spent a lot of time sitting at a table… Resting my feet. I’ve been doing so much walking in Chicago and making several rounds to the vendor tables for browsing and shopping that my feet were killing me. 
  • Taking photos – I had a serious case of visual overload. So many colors! So many dolls to look at! There were a couple of sets for photo taking, and also so many beautiful dolls set up on tables. Some con goers also did smaller meet ups to take photos of dolls from the same customizer. 

Dr. Blythenstein Yarn Heads


Plushimi customs to the left


Adorable Yarnhead


Yarnhead gathering


Forty Winks custom


My girls!


Looking sharp.


Posing in a set.


I had a great experience at my first convention. It amazes me that it was a completely fan-run convention. It was very organized and also everyone went home with a donated door prize (it was anything from a customized doll, a doll customization voucher, doll clothes, or doll accessories). 

Next year Blythe con will be held in San Francisco! I hope to be there too ^^. 

Also – will post photos of my haul when I get back home!

Blythecon Ho!

Yeah that title looks weird. >_< … sorry.

BUT! In a few hours, I will be making my way to Chicago predominantly for Blythe Con USA 2015. This will be my very first Blythe Con, and my first time traversing the streets of Chicago. I’m all packed, with my two girls dressed and ready for our trip. ^^ I’m taking Finley, my mostly stock Cadence Majorette, and Marina, my Project Dollhouse custom. Hopefully, we all make it through the trip with little to no accidents >_<.

I have specific shopping goals for this convention – I’m going to try to limit myself to buying separates, and pieces I could potentially use to dress my future Azone/Obitsu hybrids. I’m also excited to see the tables for quite a number of sellers, as I always prefer buying things in person than over the internet. I’ll most likely upload the Blythe Con photos as soon as I can via the Flickr app, and I’ll also make a post regarding the convention when I get back.

Also before I pop off, my two Azone Pure Neemo Flection XS bodies came in the mail! I ordered a white skin boy body and a natural skin girl body. IMG_3959IMG_3958I posted two photos because I couldn’t quite get the colors to show true (it’s nighttime here :-/ ). XD The white skin boy body is on the left and the natural skin girl body is on the right. Ok, I’ll try my best to describe the colors and other differences I noticed in bullet form (:D just because).

  • The boy body is kind of like NC15 in MAC foundations, and the girl body is kind of a bizarre shade of orange – maybe the lighting is playing tricks on my eyes too… If I had to guess, I’d say maybe the girl body is a very orange NC 30? >_< Best way I can describe it.
  • The boy’s body has a slightly broader torso than the girl body.
  • The girl’s body has a thigh gap.

If the girl’s body isn’t a color match for my Merry Go Round Licca chan’s head, I might just go ahead and make her Fionna Human. Also, I’m starting to think maybe I should try dying the boy body a light grey… but it seems a bit too advanced for me.

😀 Hope everyone has an awesome weekend!