Doll clothing haul

I received one of my packages today for a purchase I made on Etsy, and I decided to go ahead and share my haul!

Behold, my loot!

My Etsy and Ebay haul!

Going clockwise from the top left corner, we have Simply Guava’s stock (purchased on ebay), 5 pairs of tights (also purchased on ebay), 2 adorably frilly dresses from Kuloft on Etsy, and a beautiful Plastic Fashion dress from Etsy,

I follow the designer, Laura, on instagram, as she usually announces on there when she is listing new dresses (usually it’s a couple minutes notice… and then 5 minutes later all the dresses are GONE). I couldn’t help myself and I purchased the chipmunk dress for Finley.


I love the shape of the dress with the peter pan collar, and I am a huge fan of the cute prints that the designer uses. I will probably keep stalking the Plastic Fashion etsy store until I find a dress with a cat print that I love.

I purchased the Ever After High Lizzie Hearts sweater from the etsy store Lambellina. This particular design is from a collaboration between Lambellina and Prince Ivy (both of whom I also follow on instagram). One of my favorite characters from EAH is Lizzie Hearts, and her sweaters drape so cutely on the EAH dolls in her photos.

Lambellina x Prince Ivy EAH sweater

Who wore it better?

Who wore it better?

I had kind of hoped that the sweater would look as good on my Middie, Bryn, but alas, the sleeves are comically long. I actually don’t like Blondie in this sweater either. i think her coloring kind of clashes with the tones of the top (it really doesn’t help that her tights and head band are blue). I think I will try the sweater on Cupid and see how it looks. The sweater is made very well (tailored like human clothes :D)… I would totally wear this sweater, and nerd out while I watch the webisodes of EAH on youtube.

I’ve slowed down on buying clothes, and I am currently waiting for a new body for Finley, 2 pairs of shoes from Etsy, a pair of hand painted eye chips for Finley that have been sitting in NY Customs for over a week (COME ON USPS), and a Sugar Mag dress from Ebay. I wish there were more sellers on Etsy and Ebay from the U.S, that way shipping wouldn’t take more than a week. I will post photos of Finley in the other dresses once I get her new shoes in the mail! I kind of don’t want to take photos of her in the dress with shoes that don’t match… I feel like I wouldn’t be doing justice to the dresses (… This is just how I feel… >_<).

I also crocheted this dress for Bryn:


I’m happy with how it came out, since I kind of went in without a pattern, but I think the yarn I used was a little too chunky. ^^ I bought a few skeins of yarn at Michaels today (there’s always a sale at Michaels /thumbs up) that I think will work perfectly for this type of dress.

I hope everyone is also happy hauling :3.

Ashlynn Ella and Hunter Huntsman two pack :D

Their hands are actually rubber banded together. Thought that was cute.

Their hands are actually rubber banded together. Thought that was cute.

I just got this set today :D.

To be honest, I’m not sure what I am going to do with Hunter Huntsman. If I repaint Ashlynn, then I would feel inclined to repaint Hunter so they match… but I don’t think I’ve seen a good Hunter Huntsman repaint. And I’m also not sure I can draw a boy’s face. Lol, his hair is so funny. He has some kind of fuzzy material on the sides of his head to mimic super short shaved hair. I didn’t realize that both sides were shaved. I originally thought that Hunter had some kind of Skrillex cut.

Daiso Elly chan fashion pack haul!

Recently, I begged my SO to go to Daiso to pick up some doll clothes for me (I actually said “GET THEE TO DAISO. NAO! PLZ!”). Daiso is a Japanese 99 cents store (more like $1.50 and up store) that has a few stores in the United States. I don’t really have access to one near me, and when I saw a youtube video of a doll collector showing off her own haul of these little outfits, I flipped out and was overcome with this sense of urgency and need (my SO is a good sport).

Daiso has these dolls that are Licca chan knock-offs called Elly chan. They sell these fashion packs for the Elly chan doll for $1.50 each. I was actually hoping they would carry the school girl uniforms (I believe there are up to 3 different versions), but no luck. I did however get:

Daiso Elly Chan clothes

So far I’ve only opened up 3 of the outfits. I have to say, I’m a little sad about how badly the clothes are finished – there is a ton of threads hanging out and they don’t fit well on my EAH dolls. BUT, they were only $1.50 each. The clothes have velcro on the back to keep them on the doll.



Yukata blondie

I think Mattel would make an insane amount of money going this route, and selling fashion packs for their Ever After High dolls. I definitely recommend picking these up if any of the fashion packs catch your eye. I know there isn’t much out there in the ways of Ever After High doll outfits (short of buying a whole new doll and swapping clothes), and they’re only $1.50 each.

Blondie Lockes and Cupid

I’m not sure if I’ll put these clothes on my new Blythe – I’m afraid that these clothes might stain her body. I may try giving these clothes a good soak in vinegar water, and a light washing to see if any dye runs from the fabric before considering dressing my new doll in these outfits.

CA Cupid and Blondie Lockes

Cupid and BlondieCupid's new faceCupid and Blondie

I spent yesterday slaving away over Cupid’s face. This being the 3rd time I’ve repainted her face (because I wasn’t happy that her face wasn’t as good as Blondie’s face), there were some substantial stains on the actual doll. The whole process actually takes up a ton of time – between waiting for coats of paint or sealant to dry, and trying to get every feature as symmetrical as possible, I think it takes about 3 or more hours from start to finish.

I saw the Lizzie Hearts Spring Unsprung play set and Blondie Lockes Just Sweet doll at Target, but I passed on both of them due to the price (:( I refuse to pay retail for these dolls, since they go on sale at one point or another online). I’m not too sure I’ll get Just Sweet Blondie, because from reviews I’ve watched on Youtube, I think that hair piece on top is her hair cut super short and gelled to shape (so she has Alfalfa hair!).

Lizzie Hearts Spring Unsprung IMG_0538

Blondie Lockes Repaint Success

I spent the better part of Sunday repainting this doll’s face. I’m super happy with how she turned out! I planned out her face on a blank face chart and this time I tried to incorporate more acrylic paint. Here’s a few things I learned this time around:

  • Spray the face a couple of times before getting to work. The pencils and paints adhere better this way.
  • To get into the crevice for the lips, I dip a tiny brush into water and then into powder chalk pastel. It’s easier getting the watery pigment in there than pencil.
  • Mix your acrylics with some water. It thins the paint a bit and helps it go on smoother
  • Seal atleast twice when done with the repaint.

The one thing that irks me is that the Saran Wrap I had covering her hair actually covered a little bit of her forehead, so I can tell where the sealant stops. Oh well.

And here are the photos!

Before and after:   Mid repaint: I used acrylic paint predominantly on the white parts of her eyes. The color pencils actually show up better on the white acrylic.

  Pretty much done:

  Boil wash and curl (sheet for modesty):

  Completed Blondie (and a shot of her hair):


Crocheting in Miniature – Doll Cardigan

I just finished crocheting a cardigan for my Ever After High doll that I would like to share!

Blondie Locks sweater


The sweater looks pretty good on the doll… but not so much off the doll. I used a level 2 yarn (quite thin), and a size C crochet hook. The problem I’m finding with very fine yarn is that any gaps or loose stitches are really noticeable, and any yarn ends poking out after being weaved in look awful.

This sweater is a variation of the pattern found on Mamma That Makes blog. The original pattern was made for a Ken doll. I had to adjust the pattern to fit an Ever After High doll’s proportions, and also take into account the differences in the yarn and hook I used. I also kind of winged the collar.

Here are the basic adjustments I made:

Back of the Jacket –
Row 1: chain 16. HDC in 3rd stitch (14 HDC).
Row 4: chain 2, HDC in 6 stitches, HDC2Tog, HDC in 6 stitches.
After Row 5, I inserted an additional row of just HDC, then proceeded to Row 6.
Row 6: just insert the 2 decreases in a similar fashion.

Front of the Jacket –
Row 1: work an extra HDC at the end of this row (4 hdcs)
After Row 6, I inserted an additional row of just HDC (so 5 HDC), then proceed to Row 7

Arms – I wanted the sleeves to be long, so instead of working 7 rows, I worked 15. Also, instead of 12 SC, i worked 15 SC.

I’m going to try this pattern using SC only, as I think this will make the cardigan look neater. I also need some more EAH appropriate yarn colors! The olive green doesn’t really match Blondie.

Thronecoming CA Cupid and Blondie Lockes

I got Thronecoming Cupid and regular Blondie Lockes! I saw that a bunch of the EAH dolls were on sale on Amazon, so I nabbed these two. It’s kind of perfect, since they’re roommates in the story.

Welcome, Twin!

Welcome, Twin!

CA Cupid and Blondie Locks

CA Cupid and Blondie Lockes

I think I will keep Thronecoming Cupid as is (for now). As for Blondie, I’m going to be repainting her face tomorrow. Instead of predominantly using watercolor pencils, I may try to use acrylic paints this time… We shall see. If i do a better job on Blondie than I did on CA Cupid, I may do CA Cupid’s face over again.

Blondie Locks

Blondie Locks face

Blondie Locks isn’t my most favorite character in Ever After High, but she is a lot cuter than I thought she’d be! Her hair is a hugeee mess (it’s all tangles). I can’t wait to get started on her makeover.